#sudo apt-get update
而/etc/apt/sources.list这个文件中是一个指示apt程序到哪里去获取资源的资源列表文件。apt-get update之后的内容不会反应在这里。另外,apt-get update只是更新了apt的资源列表,没有真正的对系统执行更新。如果需要,要使用apt-get upgrade来更新。
Syncking with Repository After saving your sources.list file, we first want to update our local database so that it's in sync with Debian's sources:
apt-get updateThe output will show apt-get downloading the information from Debian's servers and then syncking its own database. Your output should look something like this:
linuxhelp.net:~# apt-get updateGet:1 ftp://ftp.debian.org testing/main Packages Get:2 http://security.debian.org stable/updates/main Packages Get:3 http://security.debian.org stable/updates/main Release Get:4 ftp://ftp.debian.org testing/main Release Get:5ftp://ftp.debian.org testing/main Sources Get:6 ftp://ftp.debian.org testing/main Release Fetched 4744kB in 2m40s (29.5kB/s)Reading Package Lists... Donelinuxhelp.net:~#